What you need to do before in-clinic abortion at women clinics
Before your abortion at our women clinics, you’ll meet with our nurse, doctor, or health center counselor to talk about whether abortion is the right decision for you, and what your abortion options are.
Our nurses or doctor at our women clinic will let you know if there’s anything else you need to do to prepare for your safe abortion. They’ll give you written instructions on how to care for yourself after your abortion and how to take any medication they give you. You’ll also get a number you can call 24/7 if you have any questions or concerns.
Women Clinic Johannesburg safe abortion, we strive to educate our clients to make the right choices to suit their lives. Everyone is different, and every situation is different. We provide a safe space for pregnant women to explore their options and make informed decisions about their pregnancy.
Women’s Clinic performs In-Clinic abortions (Surgical Abortion) by using the vacuum aspiration method, the most common method of abortion available today. The procedure involves the gradual widening of the cervix followed by the insertion of a thin flexible tube attached to a vacuum aspirator, which gently removes the uterine contents.
A patient choosing to have sedation will be administered a combinations of medications to relax you and make the procedure easier on you. Although you will remain conscious, more often than not you will have little or no recollection of the procedure.

What happens After Taking Abortion Pills?
Cramping and bleeding. With this approach, most people may anticipate quite severe bleeding, and passing some large clots is normal. Bleeding can vary from a little flow or spotting to heavy, like a period, and can last for several days or weeks.
However, please contact AWC right once if you do not start bleeding within 24 hours or if you are soaking through two or more pads every hour for two consecutive hours.
With this kind of abortion, cramping is common and can be far worse than a period. We’ll prescribe painkillers.
Fever, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea.
A follow-up visit. A repeat vaginal ultrasound will be performed at AWC 7–10 days following your initial visit.
Two to three percent of women who use the abortion pill technique will still have pregnancy tissue in their uterus at the time of their follow-up visit, and about one percent will not terminate their pregnancies. You will talk about future care and birth control options once the abortion is finished. You will probably require surgery to finish the abortion if you are still pregnant.
Following a Medical Abortion
Each person experiences post-abortion cramps and bleeding differently. You might not bleed at all, or you might hemorrhage for two days to four weeks. For a lot of folks, the bleeding sometimes stops and resumes.
Spots could persist until your subsequent menstrual cycle. Along with mild to moderate or even severe discomfort, you might also notice that you are passing huge blood clots. This could all be typical.