What is the Safe Abortion pills?
Safe Abortion Pills are tablets that end a pregnancy by blocking the female hormone called Progesterone. Without progesterone a pregnancy can not survive.
Safe Abortion Pills are effective in terminating a pregnancy because it looks like a miscarriage.
After the abortion we shall offer you womb cleaning pills and antibiotics to prevent any infections during the healing process.
Abortions that are performed with pills are also called medical abortion.
For pregnancies under 10 weeks’ gestation you may take the medical termination at the same time, or you may leave the clinic after taking the first set of pill and return 1-3 days later to take the second set of pills.
Your healthcare professional will discuss your particular options with you – there are different potential risks involved with each option.
Taking both medicines at the same time is convenient for many women but causes more side effects and is less effective than when the medicines are taken at least one day apart.
It is important that you understand the differences between your options – so please read the table below and talk to your healthcare professional about what is best for you.
Safe abortion pills from 1 week to 24 weeks
This method can be used our clinic from 10 weeks, up to 23 weeks and 5 days of pregnancy.
Schedule a Consultation Now!
An understanding professional patient educator will speak with you in a private session. Reviewing the procedure for all termination methods and aftercare instructions and answer your questions.
How do Abortion Pills work?
Abortion / Termination Pills work by reducing the female hormone called progesterone. Progesterone is the hormone that supports a pregnancy. When blocked, the womb contracts and causes the lining of the uterus to shed. The cervix softens and bleeding will start causing a miscarriage.
Advantages of Safe Abortion Pills Tembisa
- The safe abortion pills are affordable .
- The Pills are effective during the early stage of the pregnancy.
- For many women the process is less painful because it looks like a miscarriage.
- You can have the procedure done in your own privacy at home.
- The abortion success rate is high ( 95% – 99%)
Schedule a Consultation Now!
An understanding professional patient educator will speak with you in a private session. Reviewing the procedure for all abortion methods and aftercare instructions and answer your questions.
What happens after taking the abortion pills
Cramping and bleeding. With this approach, most people may anticipate quite severe bleeding, and passing some large clots is normal. Bleeding can vary from a little flow or spotting to heavy, like a period, and can last for several days or weeks. However, please contact AWC right once if you do not start bleeding within 24 hours or if you are soaking through two or more pads every hour for two consecutive hours. With this kind of abortion, cramping is common and can be far worse than a period. We’ll prescribe painkillers.
Fever, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea.
These symptoms may occasionally be a side effect of taking misoprostol and MifeprexTM pills. If you feel nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or weakness more than 24 hours after taking misoprostol, with or without abdominal discomfort, or with or without fever, call our office right once. After using misoprostol, a temperature of 101° F or greater may be typical. About an hour after the bleeding begins, your fever should stabilize. Consume a lot of liquids. Call the clinic if, after three hours, your temperature does not subside. After day 4, please contact our office right away if you get a fever that is higher than 100.4° F.
A follow-up visit. A repeat vaginal ultrasound will be performed at AWC 7–10 days following your initial visit. Two to three percent of women who use the abortion pill technique will still have pregnancy tissue in their uterus at the time of their follow-up visit, and about one percent will not terminate their pregnancies. You will talk about future care and birth control options once the abortion is finished. You will probably require surgery to finish the abortion if you are still pregnant.
Following a Medical Abortion
Each person experiences post-abortion cramps and bleeding differently. You might not bleed at all, or you might hemorrhage for two days to four weeks. For a lot of folks, the bleeding sometimes stops and resumes. Spots could persist until your subsequent menstrual cycle. Along with mild to moderate or even severe discomfort, you might also notice that you are passing huge blood clots. This could all be typical.